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Savoury Rolls

I made these rolls for the first time when I was invited to a housewarming party, and they disappeared in minutes. A perfect option for finger food, these rolls are soft, tasty, and actually quite filling. They can be made in advance, and served either warm or cold, and travel well - so perfect for a potluck situation.

The below recipe will make 6-8 savoury rolls.



Brioche Dough

1 egg

120ml milk

7gr yeast

95gr butter

25gr sugar

320gr plain flour

1 tbsp salt

1 egg for


150gr cherry tomatoes

1/2 a large red onion

2 cloves garlic

40gr olives

1 tspn capers

1 sprig basil

Salt and pepper

Olive oil

1 egg for egg wash


1. Making the dough. Heat the milk in the microwave until lukewarm. Add the yeast and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes until foamy (this ensures this yeast is fresh and that the dough will rise).

2. Melt the butter and mix in with the milk mixture, egg, and sugar. Add half the flour and all the salt and mix until incorporated. Switch to a hand mixer/stand mixer at this point and add the rest of the flour.

3. Knead the dough using the hook attachment on your hand mixer/stand mixer, and keep doing so until the dough starts pulling from the sides and climbing up the dough hook. Once this is done, take a small piece of dough and stretch it between your fingers, holding it up to the light. If it can be stretched enough for light to pass through and the dough doesn't tear right through the middle at this point, you can stop kneading. If not, keep kneading, but ensure that the dough doesn't get too warm in the process as otherwise the yeast will deactivate and your dough will not rise.

4. Allow the dough to double in size in a warm spot (around 2-4 hours), or allow to rest in the fridge overnight.

5. Making the filling. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and set aside. Chop the onion finely and mince the garlic, adding them to the tomatoes. Cut the olives, capers, and basil finely, adding them to the mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste and drizzle with olive oil.

6. Assembling the rolls. Grease a small dish and set aside. Once the dough has risen, punch it down to remove the air. Flour a clean surface and roll out the dough until around 2-4mm thick, and rectangular in shape. Distribute the filling evenly and start rolling the dough at the shorter end to create a spiral shape in the middle.

7. Using a sharp knife, cut rolls around 3.5cm thick. Place in the oiled dish a few cms away from each other and cover. Allow to rest for an hour or two in a warm place - the rolls should around double in size. Around an hour and a half into the resting, start preheating your oven at 180 degrees celsius.

8. Whisk your additional egg and brush the tops of the rolls with the egg. Place in the oven for around 35-45 minutes, or until golden brown on top.

Recreating this recipe? Tag me on instagram @juliawgr!

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